Monday 27 February 2012

#12. Going to the library silent zone to work but people guffawing non stop about Apple products

I have a lot of work to do and because I can't work at the flat (NOISE), I went to the library
I went to the first floor aka:
"The silent study zone"

A big huge red poster isn't hard to miss, but apparently it's not enough to get people to shut up.

What amazes me the most, aside from how these people got into uni since they clearly can't read, is that they chose to have this iPhone discussion in the library. I mean if you want to talk about random stuff why come here? 

At the very least go to the "social study" bit of the library to talk.

Trying to concentrate is impossible with two girls giggling their heads off at what some guy is saying about Siri, and frankly, I don't care if she's going to take over the world. Balzac is far more important to me right now.


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