Monday 28 May 2012

#19. Having friends from different departments who finish their exams two weeks after you, meaning you have nothing to do

Now, I'm not complaining, I'm so glad that I'm free. No more exams, no coursework, just chilling

But, there's nothing to do...

Everyone I'm friends with has exams, or they've gone home. So, I literally do nothing every day. 

I'm so bored it's ridiculous... maybe the uni should make all our exams end around the same time, rather than weeks apart...

Ah! I'm being annoying, this is minor...but still, in this weather, sitting around, indoors, alone, is HORRIBLE!


Wednesday 16 May 2012

#18. Staff not realising you care about your degree, and forgetting you are around, resulting in you being locked inside

Not everyone is a nerd, but some people do actually make the effort to go into uni and study.

A friend of mine was sitting in the Arts building doing an essay, and most art students go there because the library is so jam packed with other students. She was there until the late evening, like 8 o'clock.

Buildings shut around 8 and the staff kick everyone out. But it's exam time, so they obviously didn't need to check if people were about, since, you know, no one would be studying in there...

So, they locked up while she was still inside...

And they then got angry when they needed to let her out.


Friday 4 May 2012

#17. Trying to find a computer in the library to print work out, but not being able to because of ghost users

I normally take my laptop to the library when I need to study, but for essays and assignments, our department requires us to have print outs to submit.

I don't have a printer but the library does, so I go the computer bit. And about half of the computers aren't being used,

Or so I think...

The chair's empty, there's no work anywhere, but the computer has been logged into.
I battle with myself as to whether or not it's acceptable to restart the computer so I can print something out

Instead I just hang around like a vulture waiting for someone to leave and they know what I'm too making me considerably more pathetic...

Because I could just walk to another computer room, but it's normally the same deal
