Monday 28 May 2012

#19. Having friends from different departments who finish their exams two weeks after you, meaning you have nothing to do

Now, I'm not complaining, I'm so glad that I'm free. No more exams, no coursework, just chilling

But, there's nothing to do...

Everyone I'm friends with has exams, or they've gone home. So, I literally do nothing every day. 

I'm so bored it's ridiculous... maybe the uni should make all our exams end around the same time, rather than weeks apart...

Ah! I'm being annoying, this is minor...but still, in this weather, sitting around, indoors, alone, is HORRIBLE!


Wednesday 16 May 2012

#18. Staff not realising you care about your degree, and forgetting you are around, resulting in you being locked inside

Not everyone is a nerd, but some people do actually make the effort to go into uni and study.

A friend of mine was sitting in the Arts building doing an essay, and most art students go there because the library is so jam packed with other students. She was there until the late evening, like 8 o'clock.

Buildings shut around 8 and the staff kick everyone out. But it's exam time, so they obviously didn't need to check if people were about, since, you know, no one would be studying in there...

So, they locked up while she was still inside...

And they then got angry when they needed to let her out.


Friday 4 May 2012

#17. Trying to find a computer in the library to print work out, but not being able to because of ghost users

I normally take my laptop to the library when I need to study, but for essays and assignments, our department requires us to have print outs to submit.

I don't have a printer but the library does, so I go the computer bit. And about half of the computers aren't being used,

Or so I think...

The chair's empty, there's no work anywhere, but the computer has been logged into.
I battle with myself as to whether or not it's acceptable to restart the computer so I can print something out

Instead I just hang around like a vulture waiting for someone to leave and they know what I'm too making me considerably more pathetic...

Because I could just walk to another computer room, but it's normally the same deal


Sunday 22 April 2012

#16. Asking every lecturer repeatedly to make deadlines on different days only to be ignored, and then reminded they are due on the same day

Doing assignments is always boring. Sometimes it can be fun like when it's about syntax *nerd*... but when you have like four in for the same week it get's hectic.

Then you get e-mails about how it's almost the deadline. 
From every lecturer.

Because you know, everyone tends to forget about things that are destroying your will to live.

Everyone sent requests to have the deadlines further apart, so, now they are all due on the exact same day.

At the exact same time...


Tuesday 27 March 2012

#15 Trying to get on with work at the library but someone's taken their shoes off so you can't see let alone breathe

I'm trying to do work in the library right now, because I'm a good little student...

Some person has most obviously taken their shoes off because well, it is kind of warm in here. And, unfortunately for them, and for everyone else in here, it actually reeks. I can barely breathe and I'm extremely sensitive to smells, hazelnuts and bleach gives me headaches, so my eyes are watering...

I don't really want to go and say to this person, 'put your shoes back on' so I hope they get told soon by a friend or loved one that they need some sort of foot spray or something.

Seriously. This is going to drive me out of here, it's that bad.

AND the windows don't open on this floor...


Wednesday 7 March 2012

#14. Being so distracted by international affairs you can't work

I have an assignment due on Friday, and I haven't started it because of a small viral video:

So, I decided to do a bit of research into this, rather than do my work because I'm a freak. And I then went on to create a blog about it here.

I often wonder what's the point, and is it important in the end...

What is worth more: a degree 

or humanity?


Wednesday 29 February 2012

#13. Having no money, so getting a job to pay for student fees, but then not having time to work

Most people, go to uni to learn and get good grades mainly so they can (hopefully) get a high paying job at some point in the future *DREAM*

Uni fees are a lot, and to pay for uni, most students get part time jobs.
The part time job is crappy, the pay is little, so you do more hours for more money to pay for uni fees.

Then because you are working more hours, you have no time to do any assignments and learn, even though that's the point of uni because you initially went their to learn.

Finally, you begin getting bad marks so you either have to stop having a job or get kicked out.

So, you either:
 a) have money but uni doesn't want you 
 b) do all the uni work but can't pay the fees 
And then you get kicked out 

Or you stop being a whingey twazzak and get on with it... which is what I should probably do...


Monday 27 February 2012

#12. Going to the library silent zone to work but people guffawing non stop about Apple products

I have a lot of work to do and because I can't work at the flat (NOISE), I went to the library
I went to the first floor aka:
"The silent study zone"

A big huge red poster isn't hard to miss, but apparently it's not enough to get people to shut up.

What amazes me the most, aside from how these people got into uni since they clearly can't read, is that they chose to have this iPhone discussion in the library. I mean if you want to talk about random stuff why come here? 

At the very least go to the "social study" bit of the library to talk.

Trying to concentrate is impossible with two girls giggling their heads off at what some guy is saying about Siri, and frankly, I don't care if she's going to take over the world. Balzac is far more important to me right now.


Wednesday 1 February 2012

#11. Not being able to do what you want because of deadlines

I love Panic! at the Disco more than life in itself and I was a major whiny-emo-rebel-type-humanoid as a teen :S

Yet, I have NEVER been to a concert...

I wanted to go to their one (tomorrow) and let my teenage emo dreams come true!! The tickets were not that expensive and it's being held close-by!!!

But no, I am slave to assignments, slave to books and slave to the tickory-tock of every clock


Sunday 22 January 2012

#10. Having to listen to whitenoise or rainfall to concentrate because no matter how many times you ask, a flatmate won't shut the door, shut up or talk quietly

I'm the type of person that needs like total silence to do my work. 
Even WITH total silence I can get distracted. So I normally go the library, but it shuts early on weekends.

I've asked time and time again for my flatmate to shut their door, or buy headphones to listen to music/skype or talk quietly. 

But no.

Now I have to bombard my brain with "KHHHHHHHHHHHH". 
Or the sound of rain falling, which makes me need to pee...


Thursday 12 January 2012

#9. Getting stuck living with people you don't want to live with, for a year

After a ridiculous crisis in first year, I got a place with some people. I didn't know a few of them well 

It's not too bad, but it's nerve-racking.

2nd year is hard enough without living with someone who stresses you out over minute things like what time the boiler is on. I compromise because I'm lazy and I'm a nice person. 

And in all honesty, my work is more important than some things.

I'm getting so stressed out I can't concentrate and I'm like this until sweet release in May/June. I don't want uni to end, I love it, but my goodness. She has actually made me want it to finish so I can get away from her


Sunday 8 January 2012

#8. Taking months to pick modules that don't clash and then being told "the timetable altered" because of some ninny in the department

I get to pick my modules cos I'm a joint honours student

I thought long and hard about which to do because I couldn't do one of the ones I wanted to because it clashed with a compulsory module.  I finally sorted everything out and picked out ones that didn't clash and ones that I wanted to do. 

Now the directory has been changed and I can do the one I wanted to do!


being my nerdy self, I already bought the books for the other one because my lectures start from tomorrow...

Thanks for the incompetence SLLF!!


Sunday 1 January 2012

#7. Not doing any work because you don't want to and then blaming it on everything you distract yourself with

Okay, so lately this has been about me not working because I'm incompetent and lazy

And now I find more reasons to not do work:
 "The cat fell asleep on my leg"

Which after ten minutes of being cute really bugs me,
because she WON'T move and I have work to do!!!

SERIOUSLY everything is so distracting!!

And I don't want to move the cat because then I'd have to work...
